
img_6968_margit_13.jpgThe Finnish lyric-dramatic soprano Margit Tuokko,
who leans towards the dramatic, is a versatile, experienced opera singer, who graduated from the Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences with a Bachelor of Music and Arts degree in December 2011.

She got the highest possible score for her degree recital in May 2011.

Her vocal coaches include : Annette Thompson (UK), Anitta Ranta, Ritva Auvinen and Sirkku Wahlroos - Kaitila . She has also worked with Cynthia Makris (USA), Ashley Stafford (UK) and Dale Fundling (USA).

Margit Tuokko sang her debut recital successfully on March 17th 2012 with pianist Marjaana Merikanto.

In June 2016 she gratuated from the Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences with a Master of Music and Arts degree.

During her singing career Margit Tuokko has proven her versatility by performing gospel music, singing solos with a big band, working in the opera chorus at the Savonlinna Opera Festival and the Finnish National Opera as well as a soloist for different orchestras and chamber music ensembles. Tuokko has gained experience from variety music styles from Baroque to contemporary music.

Tuokko performed her first solo role in the Kari Tikka ´s opera Frieda in Tampere Hall in 1997 . During her studies, she sung for example the role of Sandman in Edwin Penhorwood ´s opera ”Too Many Sopranos” in 2008 and the role of Ms. Jessel in B. Britten's opera ”The Turn of the Screw” in 2009, both of which were produced by the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences.

In August 2010, Tuokko sang the role of Sureva Nainen (the Grieving Woman), which was written for her in the church opera Maailman Valo by Annukka Ahola in the Kirkkonummi Opera Association/ production. During the performances, the chamber orchestra of Kirkkonummi was led by conductor Juhani Lamminmäki. On December 2014 there was a premiere Annukka Ahola´s Christmas-opera "Joulun tähti", and in October 2021 the fantasy-opera "Kuinka Kum-Maa on kaikkialla" , where Tuokko sung the role of Mother.

"King Harald´s Saga," a miniature opera by Judith Weir and performed by Margit Tuokko, was produced by the Finnish National Opera OOP! In the season 2003-2004. Tuokko performed "King Haralds Saga" also in autumn 2016 , St.Peter´s Church in Hammersmith, London. All together she has performed King Harald´s Saga over 20 times.

Among other events, Margit Tuokko has performed contemporary music at the Musica Nova Festival in 2003 and 2004 and at the Aikamme kamarimusiikkia (Chamber Music of Our Time)-festival in 2009 and 2010.

Margit Tuokko has a vast repertoire in sacred music, which she has performed in several different locations. In 2011 she performed as a soloist at the Organ Night and Aria- festival in Espoo and at the Lohtaja Music-festival.

In the spring of 2010, she was one of the soloists in "St.Mark´s" Passion by J.S.Bach, performed in Helsinki and Jyväskylä.

The 3 songs for soprano a cappella, written for Tuokko by Ahti Kuorikoski, werer premiered in the Kallio Church at 2005.

Margit Tuokko has worked as the extrachorusmember of the chorus in the Finnish National Opera since 1995 as well as a deputy in the chorus during the years 2003-2006. She has choral experience from around 50 different opera productions.In the spring 2019 she participated there in "Aida" Production and in autumn2019 in"Carmen" -production.

Margit Tuokko has performed as a soloist on the following recordings: ”Sinä olet aamuni valo”(1993) (You Are the Light of My Morning) and ”Olkoon juhlamme loppumaton”(1999) (Let Our Fest Never End) and she has sung Aulis Sallinen's ”Ainon laulu” (Aino's Song)on a recording called "Rauta-aika" (The Iron Age, Ondine 1995), which was conducted by Okko Kamu and performed by the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra. The latest recording came out in January 2010; The album "Liebeslied",included songs from the Helsinki of the romantic period, it was produced collaboratively by the Helsinki City Museum and Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences vocal pedagogy department.

Since 2008, in addition to private teaching, Margit Tuokko has been working as a vocal coach for following choruses: 2008-2014 Kilven Kuoro , 2008 - Helsingin Laulu., 2013- 2023 Qoro Quando 2014 - Hämäläis-Osakunnan Laulajat, HOL and 2016- 2019 for Helsinki Filharmonic Chorus. At spring 2017 she started work with Helsinki University Musical Society Chamber Chorus. HYMSKK, Helsingin Yliopiston Musiikillisen Seuran Kamarikuoro.