Richard Wagner: Parcifal ; !st group, 2nd Blumenmädchen, consertante 8th of September 2016
Richard Wagner: Siegfried; Vogelstimme, consertante 8th of September 2015
Richard Wagner: Valkyrians, Ortlinde, consertante 4th of August 2015
Richard Wagner: Das Rheingold, Woglinde, consertante 7th of July 2015
Richard Wagner: 3rd Norn, Götterdemerung, consertante 27th ofJune.2014
Richard Wagner: Ortlinde, Valkyrians, consertante.8th of October.2013
Kurt Weill: Mädchen,
"Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny":
Helsinki Festival 2011, Kapsäkki, Avanti- orchestra and UMO
A.Ahola: Sureva Nainen (Grieving Woman),
"Maailman Valo" -churc -opera:
Kirkkonummi Opera-Association production 2010
B.Britten: Ms. Jessel , "The Turn of The Screw"
(Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences 2009)
E.Penhorwood: The Sandman, Too Many Sopranos
(Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences 2008)
W.A.Mozart: La contessa, Le nozze di Figaro
(Espoo Adult Education Centre 2000)
J. Weir: King Harald´s Saga
ā cappella for soprano, 8 roles,
In the production of the Finnish National Opera OOP!
During the seasons 2003-2004,
14 shows.With TomTom-duo.
Directed by Anne Vesterinen.
P.Haapanen: Narrator, Onni, the Cheetah and the Bear, miniature opera for children
Musica Nova Festival 2003 , Helsinki (premiere)
K.Tikka: Frieda, ( 3 roles) (Tampere Hall 1997)
The opera tells the true story of the Finnish missionary Martti Rautanen, who started Finnish missionary work in Namibia in the 19th century.
Concert Programmes
Orchestra Compositions:
E.Erkkilä: Jesaja- Passio (Isaiah-Passion) (Lohtaja Music-festival 2011)
J.S.Bach: Cantata BWV 187
J.S.Bach: Magnificat
J.S.Bach: St Mark Passion
C.Ph.E.Bach: Magnificat
G.P.Pergolesi: Stabat Mater
Orchestral Songs:
R.Strauss: Vier Letzte Lieder
(debut concert 2012, with pianist Marjaana Merikanto, Kaisa Porra- Hänninen, violin)
Contemporary Chamber Music Compositions:
J. Harvey : Chu ,composition in Tibetan for a soprano, bass clarinet and cello
Aikamme Kamarimusiikkia (Chamber Music of Our Time) - festival 2010 (Finnish Premiere)
P. H. Nordgren: Fyra sånger till dikter av Edith Södergran
Naoko Ichikashi, piano
Aikamme kamarimusiikkia (Chamber Music of Our Time) – festival 2009
I. Laakso: Six Miniatures for soprano and double bass,
Vienna Conservatory, Nina Langer, double bass, 2010
O. Knussen: Trumpets, for soprano and three clarinets, Op.12
Musica Nova Festival 2005, Helsinki (Finnish Premiere)
Song Cycles:
J.Dove: Five Am'rous Sighs, for soprano and piano, (Finnish Premiere) 2008
J.Rodrigo: Quatro Madrigales Amatorios
M. Ravell: Cinq Mélodies Populaires Grecques
C.Debussy:Trois Počmes de Stephane Mallarmé
Francis Routh: The Woman Young and Old
Aulis Sallinen: Four Dream Songs, Lyrics Paavo Haavikko, song and piano
J.Kokkonen: Illat
Jaakko Kuusisto: Tänä aamuna - Lyrics Eila Kivikk'ahon , op.2.
A. Kuorikoski (1939): Song Cycle written for Margit Tuokko "Kolme laulua Raamatun sanoihin"
(Three Songs for the words of the Bible) for soprano ā cappella
P. H. Nordgren: Fyra sånger till dikter av Edith Södergran
Susanna Torvi: "Die Nacht", (The Night), Song Cycle for soprano and piano
Ilja Kalioujnov-Salminen: "Kaksi kaukaista ja tuntematonta laulua" (Two Distant and Unknown Songs", Lyrics by Elizabeth Mecklin)
for soprano and piano
World Premieres
Juha Lehmus: Leino-Songs , based on poems by Eino Leino, 28.Feb.2014 Helsinki Music Center, Camerata-hall
Mortuus 6 as 1 Anne Jouhtinen, composotion and dance, Margit Tuokko/soprano, vocal improvisation Kerava Art - Museum Centre Sinkka, Kultasepänkatu 2, Kerava http://www.sinkka.fi/
Keijo Puumalainen : "Elämän elementit" - "The Elements of Life" song cycle for soprano, woodwind and percussion based on poems by Anne Jouhtinen 28.Feb.2013 Helsinki Music Center, Camerata Hall
Keijo Puumalainen: “Äiti Maalle""To Mother Earth" for soprano, bassclarinet and percussion based on poems by Anne Jouhtinen debut concert 17.March.2012 Finnish National Opera
A. Kuorikoski (1939): Song cycle written for Margit Tuokko "Kolme laulua Raamatun sanoihin"
(Three Songs for the words of the Bible) for soprano ā cappella Kallio church, Helsinki 2005
Ilja Kalioujnov-Salminen: "Kaksi kaukaista ja tuntematonta laulua" ("Two Distant and Unknown Songs", Lyrics by Elizabeth Mecklin)
for soprano and piano
Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences 2009
Susanna Torvi: "Die Nacht", ("The Night"), Song cycle for soprano and piano
Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences 2010.
Solo Recordings
2010 Liebeslied, Songs from the Helsinki of the romantic period, produced collaboratively by Helsinki City Museum and Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
1999 “Sydän auki” (Heart Open), on the record “Olkoon juhlamme loppumaton” (Let our Fest Never End), St Thomas Mass production
1995 Ainon laulu (Aino´s song) on the record´Rauta-aika`
(The Iron Age, Ondine ) Helsinki city orchestra, conducted by Okko Kamu.
1993 ”Sinun varaasi kaiken laitan” (I Trust Everything with You) on the record
”Sinä olet aamuni valo” (You Are the Light of my Morning), St Thomas Mass's songs about Joy, Hope and Love